Here you will find information about our company. You will learn what we do and how we do it. Photo materials, videos, graphics and press releases.
We boast as we are really good at what we do and want to share it. We participate in industry events around the world where we showcase us and our technologies. Here you will also find information about events we have already participated in.
Do you wish to write about us and show us or our products? Here you will find necessary materials.
Logos, photos, graphics and a press releases. You can also download our catalogue here.
Januar 30 ,2025
Every great achievement starts with a vision—yours. In 2024, we turned challenges into...
Weiter lesenJanuar 27 ,2025
The year 2025 began in an extraordinary way for us – we are proud to announce that Elhand...
Weiter lesenSeptember 20 ,2024
Successful product launch, reactor in an aquarium, and a giant transformer. What else did our...
Weiter lesenJuni 28 ,2024
Our first Kazakhstan mining industry fair is behind us. During Mining Week 2024 in Karaganda,...
Weiter lesenJuni 27 ,2024
ELHAND Transformatory has signed a contract with PGZ Stocznia Wojenna (PGZ Naval Shipyard) for...
Weiter lesenApril 25 ,2024
Large investments in the Omani Oil & Gas market. Modern, sustainable, and...
Weiter lesenApril 2 ,2024
#FromDesignToSolution: Engineering Precision in Practice at ELHAND In the following...
Weiter lesenMärz 22 ,2024
BIG thanks from the ELHAND team to everyone who visited us at AMPER 2024 in Brno! It was great...
Weiter lesenMärz 1 ,2024
That moment when you read about your clients' projects in the industry press... and you feel...
Weiter lesenFebruar 29 ,2024
From the model of a ship - a symbol of engineering thought and vision of the future, to one...
Weiter lesenFebruar 22 ,2024
Another project in the series #FromDesignToSolution: ELHAND engineering projects in practice,...
Weiter lesenFebruar 7 ,2024
The medium voltage choke project, a challenge in both technology and design, revolutionized not...
Weiter lesenELHAND PQ ist eine kostenlose Software, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, die optimale Lösung für verschiedene Konfigurationen und Parameter Ihrer Schaltung zu finden, ohne dass Sie kostspielige Messungen, Tests und Analysen durchführen müssen. Mehr >>