STOP! Quality first!

Februar 9, 2022

STOP! Quality first!

Transformers and chokes mounted under the chassis and on the roof of a rail vehicle are directly exposed to harsh environmental conditions: water, snow, fog, conductive dirt and salinity.
See the thermal shock test to which we subject ELHAND products intended for the railway industry to ensure their highest quality and long-term operation in demanding conditions.
The thermal shock test of the transformer presented is one of many tests to which it was subjected before it was put into operation, including:

  • lightning stroke test 
  • trials and tests with positive results, as agreed by the customer 
  • trials and tests with positive results based on the standards IEC 60076-11 and IEC 60310 

ET3o-50 Transformer – ready to go to MEDCOM Sp. z o.o.

High quality, High Superiority.
Find out more about solutions for the railway industry >> ELHAND Solution for Railway Industry


ELHAND PQ – Elhand Power Quality Harmonic Simulation Software

ELHAND PQ ist eine kostenlose Software, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, die optimale Lösung für verschiedene Konfigurationen und Parameter Ihrer Schaltung zu finden, ohne dass Sie kostspielige Messungen, Tests und Analysen durchführen müssen. Mehr >>

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