Dreiphasen-Schutzdrossel 14% (kapazitive Batterie-Nennspannung 525 V) Aluminiumwicklungen

Chokes are assigned for operation in reactive power compensation systems to protect capacitive batteries. Together with capacitors, they form resonance systems which limit amplitude of harmonics currents.
It is possible to manufacture the chokes with various coil terminals like screw terminal blocks, cable lugs or copper bus bars, depending on the rated current. There is also a possibility to insert sensors in windings, in order to protect the chokes against overheating.

Katalogkarte herunterladen

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Detaillierte Informationen:

Design Chokes are produced according to : EN/IEC 61558-2-20; EN/IEC 60938
Windings material aluminum
Insulation class

F(155oC) - standard

Climatic class
/environmental class

C1/E0 - land design; C2/E1 - maritime design

Ambient temperature 40oC - land design; 45oC - maritime design
Protection degree IP 00
Attenuation coefficient [p] 14% (fr-134 Hz)
Frequency 50 Hz
Rated voltage of capacitors 525 V
Rated supply voltage 400 V
Magnetic linearity ILIN=1,15*In
Thermal current 1,06 x In


Technische Skizze

Wykonanie standardowe
Standard version



Technical data for rated voltage of capacitive battery 525V

Type of the choke
Power of battery
ED3F-20,2/400/14-30/525 AL 30 4,09 29,2 300 170 270 240 133 11 x 15 28
ED3F-27/400/14-40/525 AL 40 3,07 39 300 180 270 240 145 11 x 15 32,6
ED3F-33,7/400/14-50/525 AL 50 2,46 48,7 300 185 270 240 160 11 x 15 39
ED3F-40,5/400/14-60/525 AL 60 2,05 58,5 300 195 270 240 160 11 x 15 40,3
ED3F-50,6/400/14-80/525 AL 75 1,64 73 357 170 310 300 131 11 x 21 42,5
ED3F-67,5/400/14-100/525 AL 100 1,23 97,4 357 210 310 300 161 11 x 21 58,2

QLC - rated reactive power of LC circuit (choke-capacitor)
ULC - rated voltage of the LC circuit
p - attenuation coefficient
QC - rated reactive power of the capacitive battery
UC - rated voltage of the capacitive battery
LN - rated inductance of the protective choke
IN - rated current of the LC circuit


Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes resulting from the continuous development of products offered.

If requested in advance, it is possible to manufacture a choke in other version.

For designs with climatic/environmental class C2/E1 the letter "M" ought to be added

Obudowa leżąca IP 23 dla urządzeń trójfazowych

for horizontal mounting IP23

Obudowa naścienna IP 23 dla urządzeń trójfazowych

wall mounted IP23

Obudowa stojąca IP 23 dla urządzeń trójfazowych

for vertical mounting IP23

Obudowa stojąca IP 44 dla urządzeń trójfazowych

vertical design IP44

Obudowa stojąca IP 54 dla urządzeń trójfazowych

vertical design IP54

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