Einphasige Netzdrossel ED1N

The ED1N line reactors are used in single-phase supply systems, usually for protecting power thyristors and transistors against rapid growth of current. Moreover, the line chokes limit commutation over-voltages in the circuit and backward current impulse amplitude when switching off thyristors. The line chokes also function as protectors of the supply network against higher harmonic propagation.

The range of possible versions is limited by the following equation:

0,05 < 2π f x L x I2 x 10-6 < 100
where: f - [Hz], L - [mH], I - [A]

Katalogkarte herunterladen

Produkt für:

Detaillierte Informationen:

Design Reactors are produced according to :
EN/IEC 61558-2-20;
EN/IEC 60076-6
Insulation class

F(155oC) - standard

Climatic class
/environmental class

C1/E0 - land design; C2/E1 - maritime design

Ambient temperature 40oC
Protection degree IP 00
Frequency 50 Hz
Rated voltage up to 750 V
Terminals screw terminal blocks or cable lugs
Fastening by means of angles


Technische Skizze

Design A El with screw terminals
Design A El with screw terminals
Design B El with cable lugs
Design B El with cable lugs
Design C
Design C
Design D
Design D


Obudowa leżąca IP 23 dla urządzeń jednofazowych

for horizontal mounting IP23

Obudowa stojąca IP 23 dla urządzeń jednofazowych

for vertical mounting IP23

Obudowa naścienna IP 23 dla urządzeń jednofazowych

wall mounted IP23

Obudowa stojąca IP 44 dla urządzeń jednofazowych

vertical design IP44

Obudowa stojąca IP 54 dla urządzeń jednofazowych

vertical design IP54

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