Dreiphasige Leistungstransformatoren ET3S** mit einer Leistung von 40 bis 1600 kVA class „H”

Power transformers are assigned for supplying power electronic devices, and for application in other industrial branches. In standard design, the transformers are adjusted to fastening by means of screwed angles.
If agreed, the transformers may have more tappings. The windings terminals may be placed on one side only, or on both sides of a transformer. Upon request, the transformers may be assembled in enclosures with the protection degree of IP 23, IP 44 and IP 54 with the possibility to insert supply cables through glands. Standard enclosures have powder coating - colour RAL 7032.

Detaillierte Informationen:

Design Power transformers are produced in accordance with requirements of: EN/IEC 60726; EN/IEC 60076
Insulation class H(180°C)
Climatic class
/environmental class

C1/E0 - land design; C2/E1 - maritime design

Ambient temperature 40oC
Protection degree IP 00
Protection class I
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Vector group Dyn5 - standardowo
Primary voltage up to 1000 V
Secondary voltage up to 1000 V
Terminals screw terminal blocks or cable lugs or copper bus bars


Technische Skizze

Design for the power up to 160kVA Design for the power up to 160kVA
Design for the power up to 160kVA
Design for the power above 160kVA Design for the power above 160kVA
Design for the power above 160kVA



Technical data of power transformers typ ET3S, insulation class H, voltage ratio 400V//400V**

Type Power
ET3S_* - 40 40  540  320 545  490 220 13 x 18 171
ET3S_* - 50  50  540  350  545  490  240  13 x 18  202
ET3S_* - 63  63  540  370  545  490  260  13 x 18  235
ET3S_* - 75  75  690  390  615  590  210  13 x 18  271
ET3S_* - 80  80  690  400  615  590  220  13 x 18  288
ET3S_* - 100  100  690  380  615  590  230  13 x 18  330
ET3S_* - 115  115  690  410  615  590  260  13 x 18  380
ET3S_* - 120  120  720  400  715  620  250  17 x 25  390
ET3S_* - 125  125  720  410  715  620  250  17 x 25  400
ET3S_* - 160  160  720  440  715  620  290  17 x 25  495
ET3S_* - 200  200  980  460  860  700  375  4xfi17  660
ET3S_* - 225  225  980  460  860  700  375  4xfi17  690
ET3S_* - 250  250  1035  470  910  760  375  4xfi17  790
ET3S_* - 315  315  1080  480  980  760  375  4xfi17  915
ET3S_* - 400  400  1140  505  1010  760  394  4xfi17  1105
ET3S_* - 500  500  1245  545  1100  760  416  4xfi17  1350
ET3S_* - 630  630  1290  555  1210  760  416  4xfi17  1685
ET3S_* - 800  800  1410  600  1220  760  433  4xfi17  1980
ET3S_* - 1000  1000  1455  610  1420  760  433  4xfi17  2440
ET3S_* - 1250  1250  1620  650  1390  760  473  4xfi17  3080
ET3S_* - 1600  1600  1670  700  1500  760  473  4xfi17  3580

*) - for transformer design with climatic/environmental class C2/E1 (maritime design W/3 or tropical design T/3) the letter "M" or "G" ought to be added depending on final application
**) - this table was prepared basing on the technical specification for transformer with voltage ratio 400//400 at 50 Hz and operating under normal conditions. For other conditions and data the values may change


Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes resulting from the continuous development of products offered.

If requested in advance, it is possible to manufacture transformer in other version.

Obudowa stojąca IP 23 dla urządzeń trójfazowych

for vertical mounting IP23

Obudowa stojąca IP 44 dla urządzeń trójfazowych

vertical design IP44

Obudowa stojąca IP 54 dla urządzeń trójfazowych

vertical design IP54

Kurt Schenk,
Andrzej Pietkiewicz
Case Study
January 2022
Case Study Praxis
635.37 kB PDF
Case Study
May 2022
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